EOTW Radio Show

The EOTW Radio Show (End of the Word), first launched in the year 1975 as a small joke between common friends. Little did they know that their humor would soon turn true. Technology was evolving, and scientists soon discovered strands of skin cancer in human DNA. The radio show then began to take the cause more seriously. EOTW Radio Show was responsible for the many cancer walks throughout Delaware, then spreading that awareness all over the world. 

When the radio show was still in business, they began to research movies and their meanings in relation to the government. A popular movie, I Am Legend (1981), was released in theaters all over. On the radio show, EOTW played a clip from the movie, as a part of Movie Wednesday. The hosts of EOTW Radio Show believe that the real significance behind the movie was to predict the world in the future. Also, they claim that the real plague in the movie was skin cancer, which explains the zombie-like transformation of humans. The radio show took this idea, and spread awareness to everyone they know. They believed that the government knew the entire time about skin cancer, and that they are hiding the cure. 

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